Board and Governance

Board of Directors

Janet Zukowski – Chairperson

  • Vincent Caruso – Vice Chairperson
  • Patryk Perkowski - Treasurer
  • Catherine Zagalis - Secretary
  • Brian Luke
  • Richard Karniewicz

We thank our former board members for their generous contributions over the years. Please feel free to send any concerns or suggestions to the Board Members at [email protected].


St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Academy has a two-tier governance model made up of Members and Directors.

  • The Members are appointed by the Bishop.
  • The Directors are appointed by the Members.
  • The Principal is selected by the Directors and appointed by the Members. The Principal reports to the Directors.


The Members are a group of three or more persons appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn including the pastors of St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. Anthony-St. Alphonsus, Sts. Cyril and Methodius and Our Lady of Consolation as well as the Superintendent of Schools.

The Members set the vision for the school, approving any changes to its philosophy and mission as well as approving long range strategic plans. They also:

  • appoint the Directors
  • prepare an annual Catholic Identity Self-Assessment for the Diocesan Bishop
  • meet at least once per year.


The Directors are a group of at least five persons appointed by the Members. Together they form the Board of Directors, which is the governing body of the Academy.

The Directors have civil legal custody and control over:

  • all the temporalities and property, both real and personal, belonging to the Academy
  • all revenue produced by the Academy’s holdings and/or property

The Directors administer the property and revenue for the support and maintenance of the Academy, or for other religious, charitable, benevolent or educational purposes. Administration shall be in accordance with Code of Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church and its teachings.

The Directors will elect a President/Chairperson, Vice President/Chairperson, Treasurer and a Secretary who shall be the officers of the Academy along with the Principal who is the Chief Educational Officer. Each will be voted in accordance with the guidelines and qualifications listed in the Academy by-laws and approved by the Members of the Academy.  The Directors may delegate day to day operations of the Academy to corporate officers. The Directors maintain fiduciary responsibility for that delegation.

The Directors meet at least three times per year.


The Principal shall be the Chief Educational Officer and is appointed by the Members based on the recommendation of the Directors.

The Principal is the instructional and educational leader of the Academy and is the direct operational representative of the Board of Directors.

The Principal’s responsibilities include:

  • preparing an annual report on the state of the Academy reflecting the performance of the Academy in promoting the philosophical and educational mission of the Academy
  • reporting on the progress associated with Strategic Planning
  • reporting on the Catholic identity
  • selection and supervision of faculty and staff
  • recommends employment and discharge of faculty and staff to the Board of Directors
  • developing and maintaining policies and procedures for the effective running of the Academy
  • working with Sub-Committees of the Board of Directors
  • other duties as identified by the Board of Directors