SSKCA Afterschool Programs

Afterschool Clubs and Activities

SSKCA offers a host of extracurricular activities at low to minimal cost. Led by teachers, staff and outside vendors, these activities are wide-ranging for all grade levels. Ask the office for the latest up to date Club Fact Sheet Schedule.

Teacher-Moderated Club Offerings: 

Fashion, Dance, Two Special Shows, Weather & Meteorology, Lego, Volleyball, Tennis, Track, Swimming, Stock Market, & Martial Arts. 

Other Activities Include:

Please note that the following activities are categorized independently from the traditional After School Clubs & Activities since they either meet daily or during the normal school day and may include Non-SSKCA students, (CCD).

Yearbook Committee, STEM Program & CCD Religious Instruction

Afterschool sessions until 6pm

Our After School program is available every school day from dismissal until 6:00 pm. If any student from grade PK through grade 8 attending our After School program signs up for an afterschool club, they would move to the after school program at the conclusion of their club activity. Should a student be attending a class at one of the local special interest schools, such as Art Box or Creative Nature, the student would join the others in after school once the student returns to SSKCA from the special class. On days that we have early dismissal due to faculty meetings, the after school program will be in session.

Please contact the office for more information on tuition and sign-up.

Director: Edyta Kadzielawski – [email protected]

Outside Vendor Pick up at St. Stans

YMCA Partnership Program, Art Box and Creative Nature.